Training & Development for Recruitment Agencies


I partner with Recruitment Agencies who want to develop awesome training and development programs for their teams. Whether you are looking for a one off workshop or want to partner with an external trainer for the longer term, my aim is to provide relevant and modern recruitment training that is tailored to your business needs, delivered in a practical and hands on way, that will make a difference for the long term.



  • Online and In Person group training sessions across the full 360 recruitment landscape (2 hour modules, half days and full days)

  • 121 Zoom 121 Coaching Sessions 

  • New Recruiter training for Junior Consultants

  • Leadership training for Billing Managers

  • Train the Trainer programs and coaching Internal Trainers 

  • Advisory support to Recruitment Agency Owners

How it Works

Step 1

Get in touch with me for an initial discussion about your requirements. We can chat through what you are looking for and how I might be able to help.

Step 2

If it looks like there may be alignment, the next step will be to book a discovery session where we can get to know each other better and create a plan of action.

Step 3

Once we have finalised what you are looking for, I will create a detailed proposal including options, timelines, costs and terms of business. We can go over this in more detail if you need.

Step 4

If it’s looking and feeling good, then all that is left to do is confirm a start date and we can get started!


What People Are Saying

"Laura ran a half-day training course for 20+ of us, ranging from Junior to Senior Consultants and even the most stubborn old mules came out of that session wanting more. I'd recommend Laura to anyone looking for external training that isn't dry and boring corporate content and outdated thinking."

— Mitch King

Managing Director
Become Recruitment

Get Started

If you want to develop awesome training and development programs for your team, I’m here to help. Get in touch to get the ball rolling.